What I Saw Was “Unfathomable”: Doctor Who Worked in Gaza Speaks Out Against U.S. Arming of Israel

A group of American doctors who treated patients in Gaza held a press conference in Chicago on 8/20/24 to describe the suffering they saw among Palestinians injured & killed in Israel’s ongoing assault. Taking place during the Democratic National Convention, it was organized by the Uncommitted National Movement, which is pressuring Democrats to end blanket U.S. support for Israel. Dr. Ahmed Yousaf, who returned from Gaza just weeks earlier said, “When we got to the hospital, everything I saw on TikTok and Instagram and all the television, all the stuff that we had in alternative media … it was 100 times worse than I could have ever imagined.”

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Greg FordeComment
I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism

Richard Thomas Medhurst is an independent journalist, political commentator, and analyst from the United Kingdom with a focus on international affairs, US politics, and the Middle East. Medhurst is known for his coverage of the Julian Assange extradition case in London, as one of the only journalists to report on the trial of the WikiLeaks founder from inside the court. Medhurst’s reports and analysis on Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, Niger, Lebanon, Iran, the Israeli occupation in Palestine and its genocide in Gaza have gone viral countless times, racking up millions of views.

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Greg FordeComment
"Automated Apartheid": How Israel Uses Facial Recognition to Track Palestinians & Control Movement

Amnesty International documents how the Israeli government is using an experimental facial recognition system to track Palestinians and control their movements. The findings are part of "Automated Apartheid," which reveals an ever-growing surveillance network of cameras in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron and in East Jerusalem. Amnesty researcher Matt Mahmoudi, adds that the surveillance technology is part of an overall coercive structure used against Palestinians by Israel.

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Greg FordeComment
Greenpeace USA Wins Free Speech Battle Against Canadian Logging Giant’s $100M SLAPP Lawsuit

A judge has dismissed a seven-year $100 million lawsuit against Greenpeace USA. Canadian logging giant Resolute Forest Products sued Greenpeace for defamation, part of a pattern of corporations attempting to use the legal process, known as SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits to intimidate, exhaust & censor activists. Deepa Padmanabha, deputy general counsel for Greenpeace USA, discusses the organization’s legal victory.

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Greg FordeComment
Author Carol Anderson: Anti-Blackness Drives U.S. Gun Culture & Right-Wing Assault on Democracy

Emory University Professor of African American studies & Author of The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America., Carol Anderson articulates her thoughts on gun control as well as Republican attacks on democracy. Anderson asserts U.S. gun culture has always been connected to “the inherent, fundamental fear of Black people.” She notes the expulsion of two Black Democratic state lawmakers in Tennessee for leading a gun control protest at the Capitol highlights how gerrymandered state governments uphold white supremacy in the face of “youth that are pushing forward for a different vision of America.”

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Greg FordeComment
"Plantation Politics": How White Mississippi Lawmakers Want to Seize Power in Majority-Black Jackson

Mississippi's Republican majority in the state Legislature has put forth a slew of bills in recent months to put the majority-Black capital of Jackson under a white-led superstructure. Under the proposed bills … a separate court system would be set up in the city, composed of judges appointed directly by white state officials. Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba & community activist Makani Themba comment about this ostensible return to Jim Crow.

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Greg FordeComment
The Platform Talk: Geopolitical Analyst & Author Scott Ritter

Former Marine Intelligence Office & former Chief UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses the current crisis in Ukraine. He articulates many critical facts tragically omitted from mainstream media coverage as well as providing historical background and context for the decisions being made by the U.S., Russia, NATO and the European Union. In addition, he also provides insight into current U.S. provocations with China and Iran.
A definite must listen!

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Greg FordeComment
Debt, Coups & Colonialism in Haiti: France & U.S. Urged to Pay Reparations for Destroying Nation

“The Ransom,” a new series in The New York Times, details how France devastated Haiti’s economy by forcing Haiti to pay massive reparations … after enslaved Haitians rebelled, founding the world’s first Black republic in 1804. Historians Westenley Alcenat & Gerald Horne discuss the story of Haiti’s finances and how Haitian demands for reparations have been repeatedly shut down. Horne also requests The New York Times make the revelatory documents that the series cites accessible to other historians.

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Greg FordeComment
CDC Eviction Ban Ended by Supreme Court: 4 Questions About Its Impact Answered by A Housing Law Expert

The Supreme Court on Aug. 26, 2021, ended the Biden administration’s ban on evictions, putting millions at risk of losing their homes. The ruling …said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority in continuing a moratorium on evictions after Congress failed to pass new legislation … Legal scholar Katy Ramsey Mason [explains] what the ruling means …

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Greg FordeComment