How Elite Financial Networks Rule the World

The hypothesis of $uperhubs: How the Financial Elite and Their Networks Rule the World, by Sandra Navidi ... [is that] people with the most connections and influence, “superhubs”, increase their power [and gain] their competitive advantage [through] their ability to build relationships ... however: they tend to disable corrective mechanisms like regulatory reform, and their self-serving insularity helps sow the seeds of populist rebellions against [themselves].

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Greg FordeComment
Here Are 7 Necessary Ways to Tax The Rich

Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than at any time over the last 80 years, and our unjust tax system is a big reason why. The tax code is rigged for the rich, enabling a handful of wealthy individuals to exert undue influence over our economy and democracy.

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Greg FordeComment
Robinhood Is A Perfect Example Of Fintech's Insidious Power

All the debates over ‘fintech,’ once you get beyond the scams and the hype, are really a debate about the future of money. The recent rise of ‘fintech’ is just the latest saga in a centuries-old struggle between democratic accountability & unaccountable private power, with the latter hiding behind promises of technological innovation.”

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Greg FordeComment
If Worker Pay Had Kept Pace With Productivity Gains Since 1968, Today's Minimum Wage Would Be $24 an Hour

Until 1968, the minimum wage not only kept pace with inflation, it rose in step with productivity growth. For workers at the bottom to share in the overall improvement in society’s living standards, the minimum wage should also rise with productivity … that means that as workers are able to produce more goods and services per hour, on average, minimum wage earners will be able to buy more goods and services through time.

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Greg FordeComment

$500 million. It’s extremely difficult to comprehend, since most people on planet Earth will never possess even a fraction of that wealth.

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Greg FordeComment