The genesis of The Platform can be traced to my posts on Facebook. Being a person of varied interests, passions and convictions, it only followed that my news feed would always include many interesting posts and articles from others to follow up on. And since I was also trying to ‘have a life’ (lol), and couldn't sit around all day reading articles on Facebook, my solution was to 'post' articles onto my own timeline so I could follow up on them when I actually had the time. 

I began to notice that my posts would sometimes generate some engaging commentary, which in turn provided some further insight into the topic from the original post. This, coupled with the statement by one of my Facebook friends that I " ... post too much ... ", planted the seed of an idea in my head.

How could I share some of the ideas and stories I thought were profound without subjecting and/or burdening my Facebook friends with my intellectual and societal 'issues' (lol)? The remembrance came to me that at various times over the last several years, close friends and family had suggested I start a blog. An idea I had unhesitatingly and definitively dismissed!!! ... But now however, it struck me that maybe this was the way to go. I just needed some kind of vision for what a 'blog by Greg Forde' would look, or be like ... So, with that preamble out of the way, I conceptualized my platform ... or rather, The Platform.

The concept behind The Platform is to create an online ‘oasis’ of informed perspective where individuals can have access to an aggregate of information that extends beyond the scope, and implicit bias, of corporate influenced media. 

Consequently, if/when people see that there is a broader context to an issue than the narrow prism of their own experience, they will hopefully be moved to greater appreciation and understanding of issues and even other people. Beyond that, The Platform hopes that this increased general empathy might even inspire its readers to grassroots activism through the access to the media sources provided.

It is my sincere hope that this site will be a resource to any one wanting to expand their intellectual horizons on all issues of objective and relative importance in life.

And finally, as is often the case, individuals who are inspired by the voices of others are often the best equipped to inspire others by finding their own voice. Please take the time to explore our Contributors section to take in the Blog and Op-Ed content of everyday individuals who truly have 'something to say'!

Whether you come here just for the information or to find a platform for your own sense of mission, The Platform hopes you have a profound and rich experience.


Greg Forde
